Wandering Soul

Wandering Soul

Experience 24 390
Level 70
Health Points 4 000 000
Spirit Points 10 000
HP recovery 100
SP recovery 100
Damage 1 200 - 1 500
Attack speed 1 500
Defense 350
Physical resist 30
Flee 200
Hit rate 400
Crit rate 10
Radius of the review 1 000
Radius of the prosecution 1 500
Movement speed 500
Strength 59
Constitution 197
Agility 32
Accuracy 32
Stamina 32
AI 10 (Attacks)

Skill list

ID Skill name Description Chance
153 Mist of Snow Queen No description 50%
240 Tempest Blade Boss Skill 25%
239 Kiss of Frost Boss Skill 25%

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