Snowman Warlord

Snowman Warlord

Experience 35 400
Level 75
Health Points 4 000 000
Spirit Points 10 000
HP recovery 100
SP recovery 100
Damage 1 200 - 1 500
Attack speed 1 500
Defense 350
Physical resist 30
Flee 200
Hit rate 400
Crit rate 10
Radius of the review 1 100
Radius of the prosecution 1 300
Movement speed 500
Strength 37
Constitution 37
Agility 37
Accuracy 37
Stamina 37
AI 10 (Attacks)

Skill list

ID Skill name Description Chance
25 Bare Hand No description 70%
237 Earthquake Boss Skill 25%
238 Colossus Smash Boss Skill 5%

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