Armored Crab

Armored Crab

Experience 1 446
Level 26
Health Points 960
Spirit Points 10 000
HP recovery 3
SP recovery 0
Damage 99 - 148
Attack speed 2 000
Defense 65
Physical resist 16
Flee 84
Hit rate 84
Crit rate 10
Radius of the review 1 000
Radius of the prosecution 1 500
Movement speed 250
Strength 44
Constitution 18
Agility 18
Accuracy 18
Stamina 18
AI 10 (Attacks)

Skill list

ID Skill name Description Chance
25 Bare Hand No description 100%

Drop list

ID Item name %
4393 Unusable Crab Feet 100%
4480 Edgy Carapace 41.75%
1655 Hypnotic Gas 24.01%
3388 Glowing Mystic Stone 18%
1662 Iron 14.01%
684 New Sheepskin Scroll 0.67%
2187 Crabby Cap 0.26%
702 Crabby Shoes 0.13%

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