Laser Gun

No description


Type Firegun
Level 60
Race Lance, Carsise, Phyllis, Ami
Profession Sharpshooter
Price 141 877
Traded Yes
Discard Yes
Destroyed Yes
Banked Yes
Stackable None


Attack rate +-8%
Strength + 0 - 15
Agility + 0 - 15
Constitution + 0 - 15
Accuracy + 0 - 15
Spirit + 0 - 15
Min. damage + 212 - 238
Max. damage + 318 - 360
Hit rate + -12 - -12

Dropped from

ID Monster name Level %
551 Evil Tribal Shaman 76 0.05%
667 Navy Rifleman 55 0.02%

Database search

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