PK Event

PK Event.png

First PK Event

πŸ“ŒMain info:
Team of 3 active people
Battle 3x3x3 (i.e. 3 teams of 3 people participate in one battle)
Tournament duration 2 hours
3 different maps for battle
6 classes (possibility to change your class between battles)
Character level 75 for free
Free fully prepared equipment with gems and effectiveness
Free fairies for any stat
Free cook, pots and buffs


πŸ“ŒEvent Description:
1. Event starts at 19:00 GMT 29/03/2025
2. There are 3 teams (3 people each) participating in the battle, you need to win so that your team gets rating points
3. You can also get rating points for killing characters, your team can lose, but you will get rating points for killing
The event lasts 2 hours, at 21:00 registration for fights will end
5. The top 10 players with the highest rating points at the end of the event receive rewards



πŸ“ŒHow rating points work:
There is a progressive scale of accrual

If you have less than 500 rating, you will receive 48 rating points for a win and 0 points for a loss
If you have
more than 500 rating, you will receive 24 rating points for a win and lose 24 points for a loss
If you have
more than 1500 rating, you will receive 12 rating points for a win and lose 36 points for a loss

The result is also affected by the number of players you kill
For each player killed, you will receive 1 rating point

Rating penalty for leaving the arena early: switch character, relogging, close client/client crash, revive in town - 36 point


πŸ“ŒEvent rules (in case of violation, the rating of the main party will be deleted):
Use of fake parties and alts is prohibited
Abuse of rating points is prohibited
Losing fights by agreement are prohibited

Insults of opponents and provocations are prohibited (punishment - warning or disqualification from the PK Event)


πŸ“ŒHow to praticipate:
Event starts at 19:00 GMT 29/03/2025
You must log into the game at least 30 minutes before the event, create and prepare your character
We will provide you with experience, gold and all the necessary equipment for free
Talk to NPC Newbie Helper - Kraken to get free exp and gold

Create a party of 3 players with your friends
Go to the Arena Lobby portal
Take the equipment you need from the NPC Grocery, Equipment and Fairy Shop
Get a free buff and all pots from Arena - Buffer

At 19:00 GMT on 29/03/2025, the Arena Manager NPC will allow you to queue up for your team to be sent to battle
The top 10 players with the highest number of rating points at the end of the event receive rewards




πŸ“ŒEvent rewards:

Each participant in the event will receive a small starter pack at the official start of the server on April 4
Players who take the first 10 places of the rating will receive
unique Discord statuses and rewards according to the list of your choice:

1st place: $150 or 7k Crystals
2nd place: $100 or 5k Crystals
3rd place: $100 or 5k Crystals
4th place: $50 or 2.5k Crystals
5th place: $50 or 2.5k Crystals
6th place: $40 or 1.5k Crystals
7th place: $40 or 1.5k Crystals
8th place: $30 or 1k Crystals
9th place: $30 or 1k Crystals
10th place: $20 or 750 Crystal


πŸ“ŒEvent maps:

We plan to place 3 respawn points on each of the maps where you will face your opponent

Lobby map: a fadmiliar map for preparing and waiting for your battle



Arena 1: a map with dense urban development



Arena 2: a map with small islands and dense vegetation



Arena 3: dark map with the ruins of an ancient civilization




The event will be recorded on video, and also there will be a live broadcast on
Any player who shows the tournament using a stream on Discord or Twitch
will receive 300 crystals for the start of the server
Everyone who makes a good PK video with interesting points can post it in our discord #πŸ“ΉVideo to particicpate in Video event
The 3 best video will receive prizes in the form of crystals! πŸ†
1st place - 75 $ or 3000 Crystals
2nd place - 50$ or 2000 Crystals
3rd place - 25$ or 1000 Crystals

Winners will be announced on April 4
For details PM to @Kraken in discord

We hope that the tournament will be event in a friendly atmosphere and will contribute to the improvement of the game team for our players.
If this event is successful, we promise to do such events regularly

Good luck in battle!