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Captain Barbarossa


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1. Unique Ring and Neck Exchanger  (2191, 2760 Argent City) - exchanges items for unique rings and necklaces

2. Kraken Coin Exchanger, Apparel Exchanger (2211, 2704 Argent City) - exchanges Kraken Coin for useful items

3. Daily Quest (2213, 2750 Argent City)

4. World Exchanger (2207, 2802 Argent City) - you can get quests for 45 and 55 unseal, as well as exchange particles gems or unseal

5. Rare Equipment Exchanger (2232, 2802 Argent City) - you can exchange items for Lv 60 Rare Equipment Chest

6. Grocery - Charlie (2217, 2810 Argent City) - you can buy useful items

7. Tickets - Mina (2217, 2810 Argent City) - you can buy tickets

8. Fairy - Nadia (2217, 2810 Argent City) - you can buy items for pet

9. Equipment - Julia (2217, 2810 Argent City) - you can buy 40 ring and necklace

10. Fisherman's Shop - follow the guide Land Fishing 

11. Premium Shop - Premium System

12. Forging Items (904, 3501 Shaitan City) - exchanges Kraken Coin for Forging Items

13. Pet Assistant - Langa (853, 3549 Shaitan City) - exchanges Kraken Coin for pet items

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