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Captain Barbarossa


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- To open an auction you need to click on the Item Mall button below the minimap and select the auction tab
- Currencies that participate in the auction: Gold, Crystals
- Each lot will have its own current bet, redeem price and step
- You can choose to participate in the auction or buy the lot immediately
- After the time expires, lot becomes unavailable
- After you have placed a bet and the currency will be deducted from your account, if another player outbid your bet, then your currency will be returned to you
- After the time of the lot has expired, the player who made the last bid receives the lot

- If the player has approved the bet, then the bet cannot be canceled
- Administration does not return the bid if you made a bid and changed your mind to participate in the auction
- Administration is not responsible if another player made bets on your account

- Make Bet : here you can see the current bet and make new bet
- Redeem: allows you to buy a lot at a redeem price without participating in the auction


Button "Make Bet" 
Новая вкладка - Google Chrome 2023-04-24 16.56.20.png

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