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Captain Barbarossa

Daily Quest

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image.png.c6d3e1b0c6237cf57969d4524b1176bf.png Daily Quest System

Complete the Daily Quest NPC quests every day and get image.png.c6d3e1b0c6237cf57969d4524b1176bf.pngDaily Quest Medals  (not tradeable/sell and etc)

Coordinates : Argent City 2207, 2750

Kraken Online 2023-03-03 16.09.17.png


Collect the required number of medals image.png.c6d3e1b0c6237cf57969d4524b1176bf.png and exchange them for really useful and rare items
n1406.png Weightless Potion - This item not tradeable,sell and etc.

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To get medals image.png.c6d3e1b0c6237cf57969d4524b1176bf.png, you must complete quests. For each player, depending on his level and skills, we have prepared such quests.


1) Best woodcutter

Cut the Tree of Fortune, open packets and collect cards, collect the word image.png.53053b881e6c5217acdb28de8a40ac9e.png  from the letters that they dropped and get a n1257.pngCook and Potion Chest

How to get these cards?

Legendary Tree of Fortune (n1234.png Fortune Packet and n1234.pngProsperous Packet)

What will you get from this n1257.pngCook and Potion Chest?
Drop list (random item):

x3 n1260.pngAcceleration Potion
х5 n1232.pngLantern
х10 n1387.pngConstitution Recovery Flask
х5 n1695.pngFlash Bomb Lv1
х10 n1388.pngSP Holy Water
х5 n1674.pngBun
х2 n1374.pngElixir of Lion 
х2 n1375.pngElixir of Monkey
х2 n1376.pngElixir of Bull
х2 n1377.pngElixir of Eagle
х2 n1378.pngElixir of Soul
х2 n1669.pngCodfish Steamboat
х3 n1670.pngSturgeon Fish with Bamboo
х3 n1356.pngPass to Sacred Snow Mountain

2) Conqueror of Forsaken City
You have to defeat the main boss of
 Forsaken City - Death Knight, and collect Medal of the Invincible Knight from him!

If you can complete these task, you can get 3 image.png.c6d3e1b0c6237cf57969d4524b1176bf.png Daily Quest Medal  

3) Warrior of Dark Swamp
You have to defeat the main boss of
 Dark Swamp - Huge Mud Monster, and collect Earthen Core from him!

If you can complete these task, u can get 3 image.png.c6d3e1b0c6237cf57969d4524b1176bf.png Daily Quest Medal  

4) Invader of Demonic World
You have to defeat the main bosses of
 Demonic World - Wandering Soul and Snowman Warlord, and collect Spirit Elixir and Necklace of Snowman Warlord from them!

If you can complete these task, u can get 5 image.png.c6d3e1b0c6237cf57969d4524b1176bf.png Daily Quest Medal  

5) Protector of Chaos Argent
You have to kill 
Ami Newbie Phantom, Ami Cleric Phantom, Ami Seal Master Phantom, Black Dragon Ami in Chaos Argent before they take over the world!

If you can complete these task, u can get 5 image.png.c6d3e1b0c6237cf57969d4524b1176bf.png Daily Quest Medal  

6) Boss Slayer
Destroy these bosses:

1. Little Squidy Captain (2287, 2584)

2. Smuggler Leader (1641,2974)

3. Violent Air Porky (1411,2871)

4. Berserk Mad Boar (870,3015)

5. Grassland Wolf Champion
at Ascaron 1135/2743

6. Vampiric Elk
at Icicle 905/349

7. Snowy Snail Monarch
at Icicle 664/383

8. Fearsome Skeletal Archer
at Icicle 2213/435

If you can complete these task, u can get 5 image.png.c6d3e1b0c6237cf57969d4524b1176bf.png Daily Quest Medal  

7) King of the sea
Destroy these mobs:

x1 Elite Tempest Sea Jelly


x1 - Malicious Azure Siren (3040,418)


x1 Aberrance Blood Polliwog

If you can complete these task, u can get 3 image.png.c6d3e1b0c6237cf57969d4524b1176bf.png Daily Quest Medal  


8) Black Jewel

Destroy these boss:

If you can complete these task, u can get 10 image.png.c6d3e1b0c6237cf57969d4524b1176bf.png Daily Quest Medal  


9) Golden Chest Crafting



Every day you can go through simple quests


And when you have all the cards, you can get the Golden Chest

If you open this goldch.pngGolden Chest  you can get random items :

e1043.pngCrown of Decedent
n0322.pngLanguage Barrier
m7642.png[Lv1 Mount] Cuddly Lamb
m7636.png[Lv1 Mount] Wolf Cub
m7630.png[Lv1 Mount] Baby Vampire Bat
n0347.pngUnique Ring Voucher
n0347.pngUnique Necklace Voucher
a7340.pngBlue aura
n2121.pngx2 Green Dragon Key
a7373.pngBlue Demon aura
a7374.pngSunshine aura
n0322.pngLucky Bull's Apparel Chest
book.pngExpert Protection
book.pngExpert Berserk
book.pngExpert Magic
book.pngExpert Recover
book.pngExpert Meditation
n1200.pngGold Axe
n1201.pngGold Pickaxe
n1406.png x5 Weightless Potion
n2120.pngx3 Key Purple Crystal
n0347.pngx15 Reputation Scroll
n1695.pngx99 Flash Bomb Lv1
n1695.pngx15 Flash Bomb Lv2
n1483.pngx10 Fruit of Growth
n1260.pngx10 Acceleration Potion
n2108.pngx99 Great Fairy Ration

10) If you open this Manufactory Chest you can get random items:

n1694.pngGrenade Lv2
n16lv2.pngFlash Bomb Lv2
n1696.pngRadiation Lv2
n1699.pngSoul Detector Lv2
n1706.pngShip Accelerator Lv2
n1707.pngShip Atomizer Lv2
n1708.pngShip Penetrator Lv2
n1709.pngShip Impaler Lv2
n1710.pngShip Flamer Lv2
n1704.pngHull Repair Lv2
n1705.pngFood Generation Lv2
n1700.pngCarrion Ball Lv2
n1698.pngSand Bag Lv2

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