Analyse What items do you need for analyze:
1) Catalyst: affects the result of the analyze.
2) Weapon or armor: you cannot analyze other items.
3) Analyze Skill: you need the salvage lifeskill at same or higher level than your analyze skill level.
4) Fairy: your fairy must learn standard or novice analyze. Its lvl doesn´t affect the analyze.
5) Particle crystal: analyze of weapons and equipment carried in the Substance Analyze Tool (Icicle Castle). You obtain the  particle crystal automatically when you learn the Analyze skill.
Number of items obtained by analyzing depends on the skill level of the analyze and the level of Particle Crystal.
Analyzing first item. Let´s make an example: Newbie dagger belongs to level 1-19 range, so if you analize it you will get Lv 1-19 items. If you use the  stone catalyst, you will receive iron ore, pink pearl or any other stone type Lv 1-19 range items. What is the use of analyze?
Getting quest items: sometimes you need sea items for a quest or cooking for example. So instead of going to the sea, you analize items same Lv range than the one you need.
Earning money: you can sell the items you get, like fishes for cooking.
What can I get from each catalyst?
 Plant Catalist: If you have a 70 armor, weapon or boss stone, and you use this catalyst, the possible rewards (5 random pieces, used for lv4-7 cooking) you will get are:
 Withered root
 Magical branch
 Thorny stramonium flower
 Gigantic stramonium flower
 Mysterious branch
 Small mysterious branch
 Strange leaves
 Treant root
 Mysterious leaf
 Four leaf clover
 Omnipotent herb
 Morph clover
 Demonic grass
 Feline soul grass
 Fur catalyst: Using this you can obtain items from the grocery like:
 Splendor Cloth
 Shining Feather
 Charmed Cloth
 High Quality Deer Skin
 Shining Sea Jelly Skin
 Giant Skin
 Lizard Skin
 Ornament Feather
Bone Catalyst: Using this you can obtain:
 Robot Wheel
 Magical Bone
 Sharp Bone
 Frozen Dragon Scale
 Bone of Mummy
 Fascia Fish Bone
 Rotten Fish Bone
 Thick Fish Bone
 Bloody Wolf Tooth
 Vampire Tooth
 Food Catalyst: Using this you can obtain:
 Dotted Codfish
 Phoenix Prawn
 Diving Clam
 Moon Tail Eel
 Squirting Fish
 Pearlie Ratfish
Tiger Bone Fish
 Stary Wood
 Quality Caviar
 Heart of Temptest Sea Jelly
 Shining Cyclonic Sea Jelly Heart
 Liquid Catalyst: Using this you can obtain:
 Pure Water
 Murky Polliwog Blood
 Nasal Squid Ink
 Spider Venom
 Special Catalyst: Using this you can obtain:
 Black Dye
 Mask of Mummy King
 Soul of Corpse Soldier
 Timeless Machine
 Sigil of Anubis
 Red Colorant
 Heart of Pharaoh
Does the level of the tool matter? Yes, a higher lvl tool will give you more items, but you can analyze even with a lvl 1 tool. How to lvl up the tool? The  Particle Crystal automatically lvl up when it reaches the max Exp for that level.
Level 1-2 (100 exp)
Level 2-3 (400 exp)
Level 3-4 (900 exp)
Level 4-5 (1600 exp)
Level 5-6 (2500 exp)
Level 6-7 (3600 exp)
How to analize? Go to the analize machine at 1340,560 in Icicle City. Talk to the machine and put the items in the correct place:
1) The catalyst
2) The Equipment
3) The particle Crystal
4) The Pet